General Advice For Your Pet

Skin Conditions In Pets

There are so many types of skin complaints that it is sometimes difficult even for professionals to identify the cause even with the benefit of a skin scrape or biopsy undertaken by the vet. Many of these non-specific skin conditions are attributed to an allergic reaction and these are particularly difficult to control unless the actual cause of the allergy can be identified. Obviously the first check to be made is to ensure that there are no parasites on the skin, particularly mange mites which will need veterinary treatment. However, having eliminated this cause, the other most common forms of skin problems are dermatitis, pyoderma, eczema or are known simply as a non-specific skin allergy, this is often called overheating and is particularly common in some breeds. The symptoms are typified by inflamed hot skin, itchiness and a redness that can be seen under the armpits and on the belly where the coat is thinner. Hair loss can result from the continual scratching carried out by the dog or cat to relieve the intense irritation. Herbal medicines have proved to be particularly effective in controlling these skin conditions by dealing holistically with the problem. It is important to try and deal with the cause and firstly the diet must be considered as this often affects the condition. It is advisable to avoid high protein foods, red meats, vitamin and mineral supplements and of foods containing coloring and flavoring agents. All of these have been found to be responsible for an allergic reaction in some animals. To treat the condition give the treatment dose of  Garlic & Fenugreek tablets to deal with any minor infection on the skin and also the treatment dose of Mixed Vegetables tablets to relieve the irritation and cool the skin. This should be continued for at least one month of treatment, reducing to the lower maintenance dose as the condition improves. For dogs and cats who have a susceptibility to skin problems of this kind it is sensible to keep to a white meat diet to reduce the likelihood of the condition recurring. If hair loss has occurred as a result of scratching this can be improved by giving Kelp Seaweed tablets to encourage good coat growth, but this should only be given after all irritation has subsided.

Regular shampooing can make the skin more sensitive and so, unless advised by your veterinary surgeon, don’t bathe an animal with a skin condition more often than is necessary. Our Pennyroyal Dog & Cat Shampoo  contains naturally antiseptic oils, is especially formulated for your pet and leaves a lovely minty aroma on the coat as well as helping to repel external parasites, so is ideal to use to keep the skin clean and fresh.