A blend of three complementary herbal ingredients that provide effective digestive support, for comfortable tummies and normal stools. Slippery elm bark, white poplar bark and marshmallow root work together to help slow the passage of food and encourage normal absorption of nutrients. These three ingredients will coat and soothe the digestive tract, naturally aiding digestion. Ideal for use in pets of all ages (including weaning puppies/kittens), both long-term for ongoing tummy troubles, and those with short-term upsets caused by eating something they shouldn’t have.
Package: 100 gr
Active ingredients: Finely powdered slippery elm bark (50%), marshmallow root (40%) and white poplar bark (10%)
Give daily. Add 1 tsp per 10 kgs bodyweight to food (split this total daily amount between meals) or mix with liquid. This amount can be increased if required, based on individual response.
This product can be given in conjunction with other medications & can be used during pregnancy and lactation
Due to the wide range of intestinal disorders, some of which may be serious, it is -recommended that veterinary advice be sought before using this product or if the condition fails to improve.